monastery dates back to 527 AD, when the Byzantine
Emperor Justinian ordered the construction of the
protective walls and many of the builidings seen today;
long before the "modern" monastery existed,
however, the site was already a major installation of
Christian faith. The first recorded pilgrimage was made
by a Greek monk named Silvanos, who is believed to have
arrived here in 378 AD. One year later, so many of his
countryman had anchored themselves at the foot of Mount
Sinai that the Empress Saint Helena built a tower for the
growing population of monks, who believed they had found
the site of the Burning Bush. The tower was meant defend
the monks from the occassional mauradings of local
tribes, and it was the towards this same end that
Justinian later ordered an architect named Etienne
Ailisios to fortify and expand the monastery. That many
of AilisiosÕs structures still exist today testifies to
his great skill, but Justinian became enraged at the
architect when he learned that the monastery was being
constructed beneath the Holy Mountain rather that on top
of it. Ailisios was consequently executed. |