Bahamas Investment Authority
The Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA) was established to "cut red tape and lay out the red carpet" for investors.
An Investor-Friendly AgencyThe proactive economic growth and development policies of the government of the Bahamas are guided by The Bahamas Investment Authority (BIA), established to "cut red tape and lay out the red carpet" for investors. Operating from the Office of the Prime Minister, the BIA has been designated as a "one-stop shop" designed to simplify investing in The Bahamas. The agency has a four-fold mandate to:
Project ProposalsProposals to establish a business should be submitted to the BIA, which coordinates investment matters with other arms of government, and grants approvals. All proposals should include the following information:
For further information, contact:
(Financial Services Secretariat) Office of the Prime Minister P.O. Box CB 10980 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Tel: (242) 327-5970-4 Fax: (242) 327-5907
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