A collection of important information
that can make your trip more enjoyable.
Same as in the US; 10-15% depending on the
service. Some restaurants & hotels will automatically add a 10%
gratuity. If in doubt, just ask. Give porters and bellhops 50 cents per
bag, taxi drivers 10-15% of the fare.
Calling the U.S. is easy from Antigua and Barbuda. Most hotels offer USA
Direct calling service, or can connect you with a U.S. operator for
calling home.
Antigua & Barbuda has a US$20.00 airport
departure tax, a room tax of 8.5% and service charge of 10% (in lieu of
Part of the island is 110 volts, the remainder is 220 volts. Most hotels
have both voltages available.
Appropriate Attire:
Informal, but conservative. Beach attire is appropriate for the beach but
not town, shops or restaurants. Some hotels and restaurants stipulate
jacket and tie for men and dresses for women in the evening.
Time Zone:
Atlantic Standard Time, one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time and the
same as Eastern Daylight Time. GMT -4.
Official currency is the Eastern Caribbean dollar which is fixed to the US
dollar. Recent exchange rate was US$1.00 = EC$2.65. US currency, travelers
checks and major credit cards are welcome everywhere.
Antigua and Barbuda Development Bank, Antigua and Barbuda Investment, Bank
Antigua Commercial Bank, Bank of Antigua, Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclays
Bank PLC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Caribbean Corporation Bank,
Royal Bank of Canada, Swiss American National Bank of Antigua. Banking
hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 1:00pm and again from
3:00pm to 5:00pm; Friday from 8:00am to 12:00pm, and 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
Medical Facilities:
There are several general practitioners and specialists on the island, a
hospital and a private clinic. No vaccinations are required unless the
visitor is arriving from an endemic area. Recompression chambers are
available by air ambulance at nearby Saba and in St. Thomas.
Pharmaceutical services are widely available.
Passports & Immigration:
U.S. , Canadian and U.K. nationals require proof of citizenship--a valid
passport, original or certified birth certificate. U.S. residents and
others should contact the nearest tourist office for entry requirements.
Click here for Visa Information.
Traveling with Pets
Please read the following PDF file for the latest requirements regarding Pet Importation.
The following guidelines must be followed when importing any animal into Antigua & Barbuda:
An import permit must be obtained from the Chief Veterinary Officer before the importation of all animals. In order to obtain this permit, the intended animal must first be micro-chipped and its blood tested for Rabies Titer at an approved laboratory. The result of such tests must then be forwarded to:
The Acting Chief Veterinary Officer
PO Box 1282
St. Johns, Antigua Tel/Fax: (268) 460-1759
The Kansas State University Rabies Laboratory is an approved Lab that uses the Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization Test (FAVN). The FAVN consists of a of a three-fold serum dilution series and is used to detect rabies virus neutralizing antibody after vaccination, and is required by many rabies free countries in order for dogs and cats to qualify for a reduced QUARANTINE PERIOD.
Specimen Requirement:
1 ml serum without preservatives; spun and separated from the clot.
Microchip identification must be implanted prior to sample draw.
NOTE: A waiting period of at least 114-21 days between rabies vaccination and sample draw is advised.
Processing Time:
The test is initiated each week on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Results can be expected in the mail 10 – 14 days after the set-up date. Fax and/or phone results will only be granted upon request. KSU receives packages 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. However, the lab is only open Monday through Friday and samples will not be dated until they reach our lab.
Shipping Information:
Serum should be packed in a leak-proof container with absorbent material. This should then be placed inside a container with dry ice or ice packs. An overnight or next day carrier is recommended since regular mail can take up to two weeks.
$35.00 by check, money order or credit card made payable to FAVN. Payment must be included at time of submission. A delay in testing may occur if payment is not included. For credit card payment, please contact the lab.
Send Samples to:
Attn: Dr. Deborah J. Briggs, FAVN
Kansas State University Rabies Laboratory
1800 Denison Ave. Mosier Hall
Manhattan, Kansas 66506-5606
Tel: (785) 532-4483 Fax: 785) 532-4474 Email: rabies@vet.ksu.edu
· Always seek the advice of your veterinarian before flying any pet.
· Please check with your airlines for list of requirements i.e. proof of vaccinations, a current health certificate, etc.
· Airlines have specific requirements designed to ensure your pet's safety. Make sure that the kennel in which the animal is confined is approved for air travel.
· ALWAYS leave a collar on your pet that has a tag with your name, your address and your pet’s name on it.
Food and Plant Importation:
For current regulations regarding food and plants, please read the following PDF files:
Shopping Hours:
Monday thru Saturday 8:00am to noon and 1:00pm-5:00pm.
Personal Safety:
Antigua & Barbuda are relatively crime free, but exercise normal
precautions; i.e. don't leave valuables unattended in rental cars or on
the beach.

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