Resting on an inland plain, with the Andes glimmering in
the distance, Santiago, the capital of Chile, is the fifth largest city in South America.
Santiago is a city that seems destined for growth. The Mapuche destroyed it in 1541, only six months after Pedro
de Valdivia founded it, but soon the Spanish were back and building it up
again. Today, it is one of
the most modern cities on the continent, home to nearly 5 million inhabitants--over
a third of all Chileans. The city is one of the largest in South America
and Chile's center of commerce.
Santiago is also the central point of a region filled with attractive sites and
activities. Only 60 km away are the main South American ski centers, and the beautiful
beaches of the Pacific are only an hour's drive to the northwest. Just south of Santiago
lie the rich and beautiful vineyards of the Maipo Valley, one of the world's most esteemed
wine producing regions.
The city is bisected by the Rio Mapocho, which gently weaves through from East to West,
before descending to the flood plain below. The Mapocho marks the northern border of the
city center, which is defined on the west and south by the Via Norte Sur and the Avenida
Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins (known to Santiagans as the Alameda). Within this area can
be found all the major museums, monuments, and architectural sights the city offers.
The very heart of Santiago is the Plaza de Armas, which lies along the Alameda about five
blocks south of the river. The city's European heritage is evident in the Parque Forestal,
designed by a French landscaper on the model of Parisian parks. Walkers pass down
tree-lined paths along the Mapocho, past small squares and the Museo de Bellas Artes. The
Mercado Central is of British design, with wrought-iron ceiling parts that were imported
from England in the mid 19th century. Today the market sells a wide variety of fresh,
exotic produce.
Across the river, the Bellavista neighborhood is
home to many restaurants and cafes. The Parque Metropolitano is Santiago's
playground, with walking
trails, picnic areas, and a zoo. For stunning views of the city, visitors
should head to the top of Cerro San Cristòbal, accessible by bus, funicular, or by a vigorous hike. Also
in the Bellavista area is La Chascona, the house designed by Nobel-Prize-winning poet
Pablo Neruda -whose work recently gained popularity in the film "Il Postino".
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