Geographia's Europe
No other region of the world approaches
the popularity of Europe as a travel destination. Even for
its residents, the cultural density and diversity of this continent
offers virtually unlimited opportunities for exploration and
In the last decades, as the division between Eastern and Western Europe has
disintegrated, the entire continent has experienced a period of enormous, unprecedented
Today Europe is a more exciting travel destination than ever before.
Featured destinations:
Belgium's history has always been linked to both commercial and cultural exchange,
and much of its character is due to its role as the great meeting place of
western Europe. Today, its capital city of Brussels is one of the world's
great cosmopolitan cities, home to both the European Union and NATO, as well
as a wealth of international trade and finance companies. As a result of
its international outlook, Belgium has long been a country for connoisseurs,
a small nation abundant in quality.
A thousand years ago, Denmark's peninsular location at the heart of four European
regions made it an ideal base for seafaring Vikings. Today, the conditions
that once made Denmark a perfect point of departure make it a fascinating
place to arrive: it is an intriguing crossroads of culture, history, and
who visit Iceland are often struck by its utopian nature.
This is a country that seems to have mastered living. There
is no pollution, crime is virtually non-existent, and the
citizens here are the longest-lived people on
Earth. Added to the sociological achievements is a landscape
brimming with natural wonders: Europe’s largest glacier
and waterfall, countless volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs.
Northern Ireland is one of Europe's most exhilarating travel destinations,
a stunningly beautiful land filled with poetry, myth, and history. Come along
as we explore the six counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry,
and Tyrone and visit the city of Belfast and the towns of Derry and Armagh.
Northern Ireland also has two of the world's top-rated golf courses, beautiful
hikes, outstanding birdwatching, almost legendary angling, and excellent resources
for investigating ancestral heritage.
Home to Europe's last great wilderness, Sweden is also a place where subway
stations are art exhibits and urban canals are clean enough to swim in. Here
is a country wonderfully obsessed with the aesthetic synthesis: between man
and nature, form and function, ancient and modern.
