Huatulco Beach

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Calendar of Events


6th: Parade of Baby Jesus - Hacienda Vieja
25th: Day of Saint Paul - San Pablo


5th: San Felipe de Jesus - Benito Juarez


19th: Festival in Honor of St Joseph - San Jose Cuajinicul y El Nueve


8th-11th: Arts & crafts fair where you can find the folklore, art, and culture of Oaxaca - La Crucecita


3th: Union Drivers celebrate the "Holy  Cross" - Santa Cruz
8th: Traditional festival in honor of St Michael - San Miguel del Puerto
15th: Traditional festival in honor of San Isidro Labrador - San Isidro Lomalarga y Apanguito


1th: Maritime Day - Santa Cruz
29th: Traditional festival in honor of St Peter - Piedra de los Moros


22th: Traditional festival in honor of St Maria Magdalena - Santa Maria Magdela


24th: Day of St Bartolomew - Arroyo Xuchitl y Bajos de Arenal


4th: In Honor of San Francisco de Asis - San Francisco Limoncito


1th-2th: Commemoration of all the saints and the "faithful dead" - Santa Maria Huatulco

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8th: Festival in honor of the Immaculate     Conception -Santa Maria Huatulco
12th: Festival in honor of the Virgen de Guadalupe - Santa Maria de Guadalupe
18th: Festival in honor of the Virgen de     Soledad (patron of Oaxaca State) - Cerro Chino y Erradura
21th: Day of St Thomas - Santo Tomas y Bayos de Coya 

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