Northern Ireland is marvellous natural golfing country.
Eighty courses in meadowland, parkland and superb,coastal settings await
the visitor. There are whole series of lovely links along the coasts of Down, Antrim
and Londonderry, a dozen courses within five miles of Belfast City Hall
- and, of course, the famous fairways of championship courses like Royal
Portrush and Royal County Down; both ranked in the top twenty internationally.
For access to any particular course, we indicate those days on which
you can usually expect to get a round. We say 'usually' because open
competitions, public holidays, and even exceptionally good weather, may
reduce your options so it is prudent to make contact with the club beforehand.
Green fees in Northern Ireland are moderate and reductions can be negotiated
for groups and visiting golf societies. Some clubs have reduced rates
for visitors playing with a member. Others offer lower rates for young
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County Down
Ardglass Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,741 yd, sss 69
Seaside course, in the town
Best days tor visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds, weekend/public holidays 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker
Club protessional: Kevin Dorrian
Secretary: Alan Cannon
Club address: Castle Place, Ardglass BT30 7TP
Tel- (01396) 841219. Fax (01396) 841841
Banbridge Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,468 yd, sss 67
Parkland course, 1-1/2 miles north-west of Banbridge town
Best days tor visitors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds, Sun 20 pounds.
Bring your own clubs. Bar
Meals for societies must be booked
Secretary/manager: Joe Mills
Club address: 116 Huntly Rd, Banbridge BT32 3UR
Tel- (0182 06) 62211/62342
Bangor Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,219 yd, sss 70, par 71
Undulating parkland course, in the town
Best days for visitors: Mon, Wed & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 17 pounds, weekend/public holidays 23 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Club protessional: Norman Drew
Tel- (01247) 462164
General manager: Tom Russell
Club address: Broadway, Bangor BT20 4RH
Tel- (01247) 270922
Bright Castle Golf Club
18 HOLES, 7,143 yd, sss 74
Parkland course, 4 miles south of Downpatrick
Best days for visitors: Mon-Sat
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, weekend 12 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Snacks. Pitch & putt
Manager: Arnold Ennis
Club address: 14 Coniamstown Rd, Bright,
Downpatrick BT30 8LU
Tel- (01396) 841319
Carnalea Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,548 yd, sss 67
Seaside meadowland course, 1-1/2 miles west of Bangor
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat
Green fees: weekdays 11 pounds, weekend/public holidays 15 pounds
Bar, meals
Secretary: Joseph Crozier
Club address: Station Rd, Bangor BT 19 1EZ
Tel- (01247) 270368. Fax (01247) 273989
Clandeboye Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,470 yd, sss 72
(2)18 HOLES, 5,645 yd, sss 67
Two parkland/heathland courses: (1) Dufferin course
(2) Ava course, 2 miles south of Bangor
Best days for visitors: weekdays, weekend visitors should
be accompanied by a member
Green fees: weekdays (1) 21 pounds (2) 17 pounds;
weekend (1) 13 pounds (2) 12 pounds
Bar, meals. Practice ground
Club professional: Peter Gregory
Tel- (01247) 271750
Secretary/manager: lan Marks
Club address: Tower Rd, Conlig, Newtownards BT23 3PN
Tel- (01247) 271767
Donaghadee Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,098 yd, sss 69
Undulating seaside course, north side of town
Best days or visitors: Mon & Wed
Green fees: weekdays 14 pounds, weekend 18 pounds
Bar, snacks. Snooker, tv room
Club protessional: Gordon Drew
Secretary/manager: Malcolm Dilley
Club address: Warren Rd, Donaghadee BT21 0PQ Tel- (01247) 883624
Downpatrick Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,834 yd, sss 68
Undulating course, 1 mile north-east of town centre
Best days for visitors: any day, groups by arrangement
Green fees: weekdays 14 pounds,
weekend and bank/public holidays 18 pounds
Bar, snacks
Meals by arrangement. Snooker, bowls
Secretary: Danny McGreevy
Club address: 43 Saul Rd, Downpatrick BT30 6PA
Tel-(01396) 615947/612152
Down Royal Park Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,824 yd, par 72
Parkland course, within Down Royal Racecourse
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, Sat 14 pounds, Sun 17 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Licensed restaurant
A 9-hole course opens spring 1994
Secretary: Kelso Stuart
Club address: Dunygarton Rd, Maze BT27 5RT
Tel- (01846) 621339/621176
Helen's Bay Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,638 yd, sss 67
Seaside course, 12 miles east of Belfast
Best days for visitors: weekdays except Tues (Sat visitors must be accompanied
by a member)
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, Sun/bank holidays 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Secretary: Leslie W L Mann
Club address: Golf Rd, Helen's Bay, Bangor BT19 1TL
Tel- (01247) 852815/852601
Holywood Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,885 yd, sss 68
Undulating parkland course, 1 mile south of town centre
Best days for visitors: any day except Thur & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds, Sun 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Michael Bannon Tel-(01232) 425503
Secretary/manager: Robin Kirk
Club address: Nun's Walk, Demesne Rd,
Holywood BT18 9LE.
Tel-(01232) 423135. Fax (01232) 425040
Kilkeel Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,625 yd, sss 72
Undulating parkland course, 3 miles west of town
Best days for visitors: Mon & Wed-Fri
Green fees: weekdays 13 pounds, weekend and
bank/public holidays 16 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Snooker, pool table, practice fairway
Secretary: Carson McBride
Tel-(0169 37) 63787
Club address: Mourne Park, Ballyardle, Newry BT34 4LB
Tel-(0169 37) 62296
Kirkistown Castle Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,157 yd, sss 70
Links course, 15 miles SE of Newtownards - A20 and B173
Best days for visitors: weekdays & Sun
Green fees: weekdays 13 pounds, weekend 25 pounds.
Bar, meals. Practice fairway, practice net, snooker
Club professional: Jonathan Peden
Secretary/manager: David Ryan
Club address: 142 Main Rd, Cloughey,
Newtownards BT22 1JA
Tel-(0124 77) 71233. Fax (0124 77) 71699
Mahee Island Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,570 yd, sss 67
Undulating meadowland course, 7 miles south-east of
Comber -A2'2 for 1/4 mile, turn left to island
Best days for visitors: Tues & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 9 pounds, weekend/public holidays 13 pounds
Meals by arrangement
Pool table, practice net, pitch & putt
Secretary: Thomas Reid
Club address: Mahee Island,
Comber BT23 6EP
Tel-(01238) 541234
Newry Golf Club
18 HOLES, 2,050 yd, par 54 (par 3 course)
Parkland course, 1 mile south of town
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees weekdays 3 pounds, weekend 4 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Snooker, pool table, darts, practice fairway, pitch & putt
Secretary: Larry Heaney
Club address: 11 Forkhill Rd, Newry BT35 8LZ
Tel-(01693) 63871/62120
Ringdufferin Golf Course
9 HOLES, 5,300 yd, par 70
Drumlin course, 2 miles north of Killyleagh
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 8 pounds, weekend and
bank/public holidays 10 pounds
Snacks, refreshments. Pitch & putt
Secretary: Helen Lindsay
Course address: Ringdufferin Rd, Toye,
Killyleagh BT30 9PH. Tel-(01396)828812
Royal Belfast Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,963 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, 7 miles north-east of Belfast
Best days for visitors: information not available
Visitors require letter of introduction
Green fees: weekdays 25 pounds, weekend
(Sat after 4:30 pm & Sun) 30 pounds
Bar, meals. Snooker, squash, practice fairway
Club professional: David Carson
Tel-(01232) 428586
Secretary: lan Piggot
Club address: Station Rd, Craigavad, Holywood BT18 OBT
Tel-(01232) 428165
Royal County Down Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,968 yd, sss 72
(2)18 HOLES, 4,087 yd, sss 60
Two links courses: (1) Championship course
(2) No 2 course, 30 miles south of Belfast
Best days for visitors: Mon, Tues & Fri
Green fees: (1) weekdays (winter) 32 pounds, (summer) 43 pounds;
weekend/public holidays (winter) 43 pounds, (summer) 55 pounds
(2) weekdays 8 pounds, weekend/public holidays 12 pounds
Centenary Room (light lunches) open to visitors
Mon-Fri 9.30 am-6.30 pm
Club professional: Kevan Whitson
Secretary: Peter Rolph
Club address: 36 Golf Links Rd, Newcaslie BT33 OAN
Tel-(0139 67) 23314. Fax (0139 67) 26281
Scrabo Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,233 yd, sss 71
Undulating course, 2-1/2 miles south-west of Newtownards follow
- Scrabo monument signs
Best days for visitors: Mon. Tues & Thur, Sun after 5 pm
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds,
weekend and bank/public holidays 20 pounds,
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker
Club professional: Gordon Fairweather
Secretary/manager: James Frazer
Club address: 233 Scrabo Rd, Newtownards BT23 4SL
Tel-(01247) 812355. Fax (01247) 822919
Spa Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,494 yd, sss 72
Parkland course, 1 mile south of town
Best days for visitors: Mon-Thur
Green fees: weekdays 11 .50 pounds,
weekend/public holidays 16.50 pounds,
Bring your own clubs. Bar, snacks. Meals by arrangement
Snooker, practice fairway, putting green
Hon secretary: Jack Glass
Tel-(01232) 812340
Club address: 20 Grove Rd, Ballynahinch BT24 8PN
Tel-(01238) 562365
Warrenpoint Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,200 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, a mile west of town
Best days for visitors: Mon, Thur & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 16 pounds, weekend 22 pounds
Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker, squash, practice area
Club professional: Nigel Shaw
Tel-(0169 37) 52371
Secretary/manager: John McMahon
Club address: Lower Dromore Rd, Warrenpoint BT34 3LN
Tel-(0169 37) 53695. Fax (0169 37) 52918
Balmoral Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,236 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, 3 miles south-west of city centre
Best days for visitors: Mon & Thur
Green fees: weekdays 20 pounds, Wed 24 pounds, weekend 30 pounds
Bar, meals
Club professional: Geoff Bleakley
Tel-(01232) 667747
General manager: Robert McConkey
Club address: 518 Lisburn Rd, Belfast BT9 6GX
Tel-(01232) 381514
Belvoir Park Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,540 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, 3 miles south of city centre
Best days for visitors: Mon, Tues & Thur
Green fees: Mon, Tues, Thur & Fri 25 pounds;
Wed, Sun/public holidays 30 pounds
Bar, meals
Club professional: Maurice Kelly
Tel-(01232) 646714
Secretary: Kenneth Graham
Club address: 73 Church Rd, Newtownbreda,
Belfast BT8 4AN
Tel-(01232) 491693. Fax (01232) 646113
Cliftonville Golf Club
9 HOLES, 6,205 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, 2-1/2 miles north of city centre
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat;
Sun moming - must be with a member
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, Sun 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker, practice fairway
Secretary: Martin Henderson
Club address: 44 Westland Rd, Belfast BT14 6NH
Tel-(01232) 744158
Dunmurry Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,832 yd, sss 68
Parkland course, 4 miles south-west of city centre
Best days for visitors: Tues & Thur
Green fees: weekdays 14 pounds, weekend 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Paul Leonard
Tel-(01232) 621314
Secretary/manager: Allan Taylor
Club address: 91 Dunmurry Lane, Dunmurry,
Belfast BT17 9JS
Tel-(01232) 610834
Fortwilliam Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,973 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, 3 miles north of city centre
Best days for visitor: weekday mornings
Green fees: weekdays 16 pounds, weekend/public holidays 21 pounds
Bar, meals. Snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Peter Hanna
Tel-(01232) 770980. Fax (01232) 770980
Secretary: Jack Campbell
Club address: Downview Avenue, Belfast BT15 4EZ
Tel-(01232) 370770
Gilnahirk Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,904 yd, sss 68
Parkland course, 4-1/2 miles south-east of city centre
Best days tor visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 3.50 pounds (9 holes), 6.30 pounds (18 holes);
weekend 4.35 pounds (9 holes), 7.80 pounds (18 holes)
Putting green, practice nets
Club professional: Ken Gray
Secretary: Harry Moore
Club address: Mann's Corner, Upper Braniel Rd,
Gilnahirk, Belfast BT5 7EX
Tel-(01232) 448477
Knock Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,407 yd, sss 71
Parkland course, 4 miles east of cily centre
Best days for visitors: Mon, Wed & Thur mornings;
Tues & Fri aflernoons
Green fees: weekdays 20 pounds, weekend/public holidays 25 pounds
Bar. Meals Mon-Sat, Sun lunch. Snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Gordon Fairweather
Tel-(01232) 483825
Secretary/manager: George Managh
Club address: Summerfield, Dundonald,
Belfast BT 16 0QX
Tel-(01232) 483251/482249
Mount Ober Golf & Country
18 HOLES, 5,312 yd, sss 68
Undulating parkland course, 4-1/2 miles south-east
of city centre
Best days for visitors: any day - afler 2.30 pm Sat
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, weekend/public holidays 12 pounds
Bar, meals. Golf academy, short game practice area,
floodlit driving ranges, putting greens,
artificial ski slope, snooker
Club professional: David Jones
Secretary: Malcolm Grose
Club address: 24 Ballymaconaghy Rd, Newtownbreda,
Belfast BT8 4SB.Tel-(01232) 795666/401811
Malone Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,642 yd, sss 71
(2) 9 HOLES, 5,784 yd, sss 68
Two parkland courses: (1) Main course (2) Edenderry,
4 miles south of city centre
Best days for visitors: Sun, Mon, Thur & Fri - call the
professional's shop (01232) 614917 to check tee-off times
Green fees: weekdays (1 ) 25 pounds (2) 11 pounds;
weekend and bank public holidays (1 ) 30 pounds (2) 12.50 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks
Club professional: Michael McGee
Tel-(01232) 614917
Secretary: Tom Young
Club address: 240 Upper Malone Rd, Dunmurry,
Belfast BT17 9LB
Tel-(01232) 612758. Fax (01232) 431394
Ormeau Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,306 yd, sss 66
Parkland course, 2 miles south of city centre
Best days for visitors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 9 pounds, weekend and
bank/public holidays 11 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker
Secretary/manager: George McVeigh
Club address: 50 Park Rd, Belfast BT7 2FX
Tel-(01232) 641069
Shandon Park Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,252 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, 4 miles east of city centre
Best days for visitors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 20 pounds, weekend 25 pounds
Bar, meals. Snooker
Club professional: Barry Wilson
Tel-(01232) 797859
General manager: Michael Corsar
Club address: 73 Shandon Park, Belfast BT5 6NY
Tel-(01232) 401856. Fax (01232) 402773
County Antrim
Aberdelghy Golf Course
9 HOLES, 4,832 yd, sss 66
Parkland course, 1-1/4 miles north of Lisburn
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 3.20 pounds (9 holes), 6 pounds (18 holes);
weekend/public holidays 3.70 pounds (9 holes), 6.50 pounds(18 holes)
Course professional/manager: lan Murdoch
Course address: Bell's Lane, Lambeg, Lisburn BT27 4QH
Tel-(01846) 662738
Ballycastle Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,692 yd, sss 68
Seaside course, l/2 mile south-east of town
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 13 pounds, weekend/public holidays 18 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar. Bar snacks in summer
Meals by arrangement
Club professional: lan McLaughlin
Secretary: Michael Page
Club address: Cushendall Rd, Ballycastle BT54 6QP
Tel-(0126 57) 62536
Ballyclare Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,699 yd, sss 71
Parkland course, 2 miles north of town
Best days for visitors: Mon-Wed
Green fees: weekdays 14 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker, bowls
Secretary: Harry McConnell
Club address: 25 Springvale Rd, Ballyclare BT39 9JW
Tel-(01960) 322696/342352. Fax (01960) 322696
Ballyearl Golf & Leisure
9 HOLES, 2,520 yd, par 27 (par 3 course)
Parkland course, 6 miles north of Belfast-A5 Mossley turn off
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 3 pounds, weekend/public holidays 4 pounds
Driving range (open 9 am-9.30 pm every day - 27 floodlit
bays), squash courts, sunbed, hi-tech fitness suite
Course professional: Jim Robinson
Duty manager: Alan Bevan
Course address: 585 Doagh Rd. Newtownabbey BT36 8RZ
Tel-(01232) 848287
Ballymena Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,736 yd, sss 67
Parkland course, 2 miles east of town
Best days for visitors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 13 pounds, Sun/bank holidays 16 pounds
Bar, meals. Snooker, bowls
Club professional: vacant
Secretary: Carol McAuley
Club address: 128 Raceview Rd, Ballymena BT42 4HY
Tel-(01266) 861487
Bentra Golf Club
9 HOLES, 6,310 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, south-west edge of Whitehead
Best days for visitors: summer weekdays, any day in winter
Green fees: weekdays 5 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 7 pounds
Bar, meals. Driving range
Manager: Alan Phair
Tel-(01960) 366455
Club address: Slaughterford Rd, Whitehead BT38 9TG
Tel-(01960) 378996
Bushfoot Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,876 yd, sss 68
Seaside course, a mile north of Bushmills
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, weekend/public holidays 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals
Snooker, pitch & putt
Secretary/manager: Knox Thompson
Club address: 50 Bushfoot Rd, Portballintrae,
Bushmills BT57 8RR
Tel-(0126 57) 31317
Cairndhu Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,112 yd, sss 69
Undulating parkland course, 4 miles north of Larne
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, Sun 20 pounds
Club professional: Bob Walker
Secretary/manager: Josephine Robinson
Club address: 192 Coast Rd, Ballygally, Larne BT40 2QG
Carrickfergus Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,759 yd, sss 68
Parkland course, west of town centre
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat & Sun
Green fees: weekdays 13 pounds, Sun 18 pounds
Bar (noon-11 pm), meals. Snooker
Club professional: Raymond Stevenson
Tel-(01960) 351803
Secretary: Isaac Jardine
Club address: 35 North Rd, Carrickfergus BT38 8LP
Tel-(01960) 363713/362203
City Of Belfast Golf Course, Mallusk
9 HOLES, 4,444 yd, sss 62
Meadowland course, 6 miles north-west of Belfast
Best days for visitors: weekday mornings
Green fees: (18 holes): weekdays 5 pounds, weekend and
bank/public holidays 7 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Snacks
Putting green (18 holes): adult 75p, child 45p
Course manager: David Fitzgerald
Course address: 614 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 8RF
Tel-(01232) 843799
Cushendall Golf Club
9 HOLES, 4,706 yd, sss 63
Seaside course, in the town
Best days for visitors: Mon, Thur & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 8 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 10 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar. Meals by arrangement
Secretary: Shaun McLaughlin
Tel-(0126 67) 58366
Club address: 21 Shore Rd, Cushendall,
Ballymena BT44 ONG
Tel-(0126 67) 71318
Greenisland Golf Club
9 HOLES, 5,918 yd, sss 68
Meadowland course, 8 miles north-east of Belfast
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, weekend 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, snacks. Meals (must be booked)
Snooker, pool table
Secretary: James Wyness
Club address: 156 Upper Rd, Greenisland,
Carrickfergus BT38 8RW
Tel-(01232) 862236
Larne Golf Club
9 HOLES, 6,066 yd, sss 69
Seaside course, 6 miles north of Whitehead - on peninsula
Green fees: weekdays 8 pounds, weekend 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs
Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker, bowls
Secretary: Jack Stewart
Tel-(01960) 372043
Club address: 54 Ferris Bay Rd, Islandmagee,
Larne BT40 3RT
Tel-(01960) 382228
Lisburn Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,672 yd, sss 72
Parkland/meadowland course, 2 miles south of town
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 20 pounds, weekend 30 pounds
Club professional: Blake Campbell
Tel-(01846) 677217
Secretary/manager: George Graham
Club address: 68 Eglantine Rd, Lisburn BT27 5RQ
Tel-(01846) 677216. Fax (01846) 603608
Massereene Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,559 yd, sss 72
Parkland/sandy course, 1-1/2 miles south of Antrim town
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat
Green tees: weekdays 16 pounds, weekend 20 pounds
Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker
Club professional: Jim Smyth
Secretary: Marie Agnew
Club address: 51 Lough Rd, Antrim BT41 4DQ
Tel-(01849) 428096
Royal Portrush Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,772 yd, sss 72
(2)18 HOLES, 6,273 yd, sss 70
(3) 9 HOLES, 1,187 yd
rhree links courses: (1) Dunluce (2) Valley (3) Skerries,
one mile east of Portrush
Best days for visitors: weekdays (except Wed & Fri pm) telephone or write
in advance
Green fees: weekdays (1) 37.50 pounds (2) 15 pounds;
weekend/public holidays (1 ) 45 pounds (2) 20 pounds
(3) 1.50 pounds for 9 holes
Bar, snacks. Meals by arrangement
Snooker, practice fairway, pitch & putt
Club professional: Dai Stevenson
Tel-(01265) 823335
Secretary: Wilma Erskine
Club address: Bushmills Rd, Portrush BT56 8JQ
Tel-(01265) 822311. Fax (01265) 823139
Whitehead Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,426 yd, sss 71
Undulating parkland course, 1/2 mile north of Whitehead
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat;
Sun - must be with a member
Green fees: weekdays 11 pounds, Sun/public holidays 17 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker
Club professional: Tom Loughran
Tel-(01960) 353118
Secretary/manager: Jack Niblock
Club address: McCrea's Brae, Whitehead BT38 9NZ
Tel-(01960) 353631/353792
County Armagh
Ashfield Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,645 yd, par 69
Parkland course, 4 miles north of Crossmaglen, off B30
Best days tor visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 8 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 10 pounds
Bar, snacks. Meals must be booked. Driving range
Club professional: vacant
Secretary: Elizabeth Quinn
Club address: Freeduff, Cullyhanna BT35 ONA
Tel-(01693) 868180. Fax (01693) 868611
County Armagh Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,169 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, in palace demesne
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 18 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals. Snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Alan Rankin
Tel-(01861) 525864
Secretary: Philip Reid
Club address: 4 Newry Rd, Armagh BT60 1EN
Tel-(01861) 525861
Craigavon Golf Centre
(1)18 HOLES, 6,496 yd, sss 72
(2) 9 HOLES, 1,349 yd, par 27 (par 3 course)
Parkland courses, 2 miles north of Lurgan
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays (1) 9 pounds (2) 4 pounds;
weekend/bank holidays (1) 12 pounds (2) 6 pounds
Meals. Floodlit driving range, 12-hole pitch & putt,
putting green, artificial ski slope
Club professional: Des Paul
Manager: Vincent McCorry
Course address: Turmoyra Lane, Lurgan BT66 6NG
Tel-(01762) 326606. Fax (01762) 347272
Lurgan Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,385 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, in the town
Best days tor visitors: Mon, Thur & Fri am
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals
Club professional: Des Paul
Tel-(01762) 321068
Secretary/manager: Gail Turkington
Club address: The Demesne, Lurgan BT67 9BN
Tel-(01762) 322087
Portadown Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,147 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, 3 miles south-east of town
Best days for visitors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds, weekend/bank holidays 18 pounds
Bar, meals. Squash, snooker, pool table, indoor bowls,
practice fairway, putting green
Club professional: Paul Stevenson
Secretary/manager: Lily Holloway
Club address: 192 Gilford Rd, Portadown BT63 5LF
Tel-(01762) 355356
Tandragee Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,084 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, in the town
Best days for visitors: any day except Sat & Thur pm
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, Sun 15 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar. Meals daily except Mon
Club professional: Erill Maney
Secretary/manager: Hal McCready
Club address: Markethill Rd, Tandragee,
Craigavon BT62 2ER
Tel-(01762) 841272/840727
Fax (01762) 841272
County Londonderry
Ballyreagh Golf Course
9 HOLES, 1,323 yd, par 27 (par 3 course)
Seaside course, 1-1/2 miles east of Portstewart
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: day ticket - weekdays 3.50 pounds
weekend/July/Aug/public holidays 4.50 pounds
Snacks. Pitch & putt
Course professional: Bob Cockcroft
Course address: 1 Glen Rd, Portbush BT56 8LX
Tel-(01265) 822028
Benone Golf Course
9 HOLES, 1,427 yd, par 27 (par 3 course)
Seaside course, 2-1/2 miles west of Downhill
Green fees: day ticket - weekdays 2.50 pounds
weekend and bank public holidays 3 pounds
Practice range (summer), tennis, bowls, putting green
Contact: Colin Smith
Course address: 53 Benone Avenue, Limavady BT49 OLQ
Tel-(0150 47) 50555
Brown Trout Golf & Country
9 HOLES, 5,400 yd, sss 68
Meadowland course, 6 miles north of KiIrea
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 7 pounds, weekend 10 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals
Course professional: Ken Revie
Secretary/manager: Bill O'Hara (Jnr)
Club address: 209 Agivey Rd, Aghadowey BT51 4AD
Tel-(01265) 868209
Castlerock Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,687 yd, sss 72
(2) 9 HOLES, 2,938 yd, par 35
Two links courses: (1) Mussenden
(2) Bann, 6 miles west of Coleraine
Best days for visitors: (1 ) Mon-Thur (2) any day
Green fees: weekdays (1) 15 pounds (2) 7 pounds
weekend (1) 25 pounds (2) 10 pounds
Bar, meals. Snooker
Club professional: Bobby Kelly
Tel-(01265) 848215
Secretary/manager: Geoffrey McBride
Club address: 65 Circular Rd, Castlerock BT51 4TJ
Tel-(01265) 848314. Fax (01265) 848314
City Of Derry Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,487 yd, sss 71
(2) 9 HOLES, 4,708 yd, sss 63
Two parkland courses: (1) Prehen
(2) Dunhugh, 2 miles south of cily
Best days for visitors: (1) weekdays (until 4.30 pm),
weekend (tel or write in advance); (2) any day
Green fees: (1) weekdays 14 pounds
weekend/bank holidays 16 pounds; (2) 5 pounds (under-17) 3 pounds
Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker, practice ground
Club professional: Michael Doherty
Tel-(01504) 311496
Secretary: Colum Murphy
Club address: 49 Victoria Rd, Prehen
Londonderry BT47 2PU. Tel-(01504) 46369
Foyle Golf Centre
(1)18 HOLES, 6,670 yd (opens July 1994)
(2) 9 HOLES, 1,347 yd, par 3 course
Two parkland courses, 1-1/2 miles north of Londonderry
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays (1) 11 pounds (2) 4 pounds
weekend and bank ublic holidays (1) 13 pounds (2) 4.50 pounds
Bar, meals. Driving range
Secretary: Avril Gallagher
Club address: 12 Alder Rd, Londonderry BT48 8DB
Tel-(01504) 352222. Fax (01504) 353967
Kilrea Golf Club
9 HOLES, 4,326 yd, sss 62
Undulating inland course, 1/2 mile south-west of village
Best days for visitors: Mon-Fri (except Tues and Wed pm)
Green fee: 7.50 pounds
Bring your own clubs
Secretary: Wilbert Mcllmoyle. Tel-(01265) 834738
Club address: 38 Drumagarner Rd, Kilrea BT51 5TB
Manor Golf & Fishing
9 HOLES, 3,686 yd, sss 60
Parkland course, 1/2 mile south-east of Kilrea
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 6.50 pounds,
weekend and bank/public holidays 8 pounds
Bar, meals, snacks
Contact: Philip McIntyre
Club address: 69 Bridge St, Kilrea BT51 5RR
Tel-(0126 65) 41351/40205. Fax (0126 65) 40205
Moyola Park Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,517 yd, sss 71
Parkland course, in Castledawson
Best days for visitors: weekdays except Wed
Green fees: weekdays 12 pounds,
weekend/bank holidays 22 pounds
Bar, meals, snacks. Snooker
Club professional: Vivian Teague
Tel-(01648) 68830
Secretary: Laurence Hastings
Club address: Shanemullagh, Castledawson BT45 8DG
Tel-(01648) 68468
Portstewart Golf Club
(1)18 HOLES, 6,752 yd, sss 72, par 72
(2)18 HOLES, 4,837 yd, sss 62, par 64
(3) 9 HOLES, 2,662 yd, par 32
Three links courses: (1) Strand
(2) Town -1 mile west of town centre (3) Riverside
Best days for visitors: (1 ) Tues & Fri (2) any day
(3) any day, but apply in advance
Green fees: weekdays (1) 22 pounds (2) 7 pounds (3) 10 pounds;
weekend(1) 30 pounds (2) 11 pounds (3) 15 pounds
Bar, meals. Indoor bowls, snooker, practice fairway
Club professional: Alan Hunter
Tel-(01265) 832601
Secretary/manager: Michael Moss
Club address: 117 Strand Rd, Portstewart BT55 7PG
Tel-(01265) 832015. Fax (01265) 834097
Roe Park Golf Course
18 HOLES, 6,373 yd, par 70
Parkland course, 1 mile west of Limavady
Best days for visitors: any day
, visiting societies by arrangement
Green fees: weekdays 15 pounds,
weekend/bank holidays 20 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Snacks
Indoor and outdoor driving ranges
Club professional: vacant
Secretary: Don Brockerton
Course address: Roe Park, Limavady BT49 9LB
Tel-(0150 47) 22212. Fax (0150 47) 22313
County Fermanagh
Ashwoods Golf Centre
9 HOLES, 1,150 yd, par 27 (par 3 course)
Meadowland course, 2 miles south-west of Enniskillen
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: from 3 pounds
Practice fairway, pitch & putt, driving range
Club protessional: Thomas Loughran
Secretary: Damien O'Dolan
Course address: Sligo Rd, Enniskillen BT74 7JY
Tel-(01365) 325321
Castle Hume Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,700 yd, sss 72
Parkland course, 3-1/2 miles north of Enniskillen
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds,
weekend/public holidays 12 pounds
Bar, light snacks. Pool table, darts, practice fairway
Secretary: Kenneth Mathers
Club address: Castle Hume, Enniskillen BT93 7ED
Tel-{0365) 327077
Enniskillen Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,111 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, in Castle Coole estate
1/2 mile east of town
Best days for visitors: any day
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds,
weekend and bank/public holidays 12 pounds
Bar. Meals (must be booked)
Snooker, satellite tv, table tennis, putting green
Secretary: Billy Hamilton
Club address: Castle Coole, Enniskillen BT74 6HZ
Tel-(01365} 325250
County Tyrone
Dungannon Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,942 yd, sss 68
Undulating parkland course, l mile west of town
Best days for visitors: Mon, Thur & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds,
weekend and bank!public holidays 13 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, snacks
Meals by arrangement. Snooker
Secretary: Richard Agnew
Tel-(0186 87) 22602
Club address: 34 Springfield Lane, Dungannon BT70 1QX
Tel-(0186 87) 27338/22098
Fintona Golf Club
9 HOLES, 6,250 yd, sss 70
Parkland course, in the village
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fee: 10 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, snacks. Meals must be booked
Snooker, putting green
Secretary: Gerry McNulty
Tel-(01662) 841514
Club address: Ecclesville Demesne, Fintona BT78 2AF
Tel-(01662) 841480
Killymoon Golf Club
18 HOLES, 6,013 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, south side of Cookstown
Best days for visitors: Mon-Wed & Fri, ladies (Thur)
Green fees: weekdays 14 pounds, Sat (after 5 pm only) 18 pounds,
Sun/bank holidays 18 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar, meals, snacks. Practice fairway
Club professional: Barry Hamill
Tel-(0164 87) 63460
Secretary: Les Hodgett
Club address: 200 Killymoon Rd, Cookstown BT80 8TW
Tel-(0164 87) 63762
Newtownstewart Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,980 yd, sss 69
Undulating parkland course, 2 miles south-west of town
Best days for visitors: weekdays
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, weekend 15 pounds
Bar, snacks. Meals by arrangement
Snooker, practice fairway, pitch & putt
Secretary/manager: Daphne Marshall
Club address: 38 Golf Course Rd,
Newtownstewart BT78 4HU
Tel-(0166 26) 61466/61829
Omagh Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,429 yd, sss 69
Undulating parkland course, south side of Omagh
Best days for visrtors: any day except Tues & Sat
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds,
weekend and bank!public holidays 15 pounds
senior citizens half green fees
Bring your own clubs. Bar, snacks. Snooker, darts
Secretary: Florence Caldwell
Club address: 83a Dublin Rd, Omagh BT78 1HQ
Tel-(01662) 243160/241442
Strabane Golf Club
18 HOLES, 5,969 yd, sss 69
Parkland course, 1 mile south of town centre
Best days for visitors: Mon, Wed & (am) Tues, Thur & Fri
Green fees: weekdays 10 pounds, weekend 12 pounds
Bring your own clubs. Bar. Meals by arrangement
Snooker, indoor bowls
Secretary: Terry Doherty
Tel-(01504) 883109
Club address: 33 Ballycolman Rd, Strabane BT82 9PH
Tel-(01504) 382271/382007
Golf Tuition
Golf club professionals offer golfing tuition. Lessons cost about 25 pounds
per hour and it is best to book two days ahead.
Pitch And Putt
Pitch and putt is a popular family game for up to four people. The aim is the
same as golf - to complete the course in as few strokes as possible - except
the course is shorter. Play is usually over 9 or 18 holes, with the distance
from tee to green seldom more than 80 yards. You need a putter and one other
club plus a tee and a golf ball. Some courses, but not all, hire out equipment.
About a dozen courses in Northern Ireland are associated with golf clubs,
and are mentioned in individual entries. Others include:
Newry: Cloughoge, Dublin Rd. Tel-(01693) 86335.
Newcastle: Main St. Tel-(0139 67) 22222.
Stewartstown: Kilmenagh, Ballymaguire Rd. Tel-(0164 87) 37546.
A day ticket at the 18-hole Cloughoge championship course costs 2.50
pounds. Newcastle's 1 pounds fee at its 9-hole course includes equipment
hire. Kilmenagh's 1.50 pounds fee at its 9-hole course includes equipment
Golf Tour Operators in the US
Adventure Golf Holidays
Tel (413) 568-2855
Fax (413) 562-3621
Adventures in Golf
Tel (603) 882-8367
Fax (603) 595-6514
Best Tours
Tel (714) 752-8881
Fax (714) 494-5088
Brian Moore International Tours
Tel (508) 533-6683
Fax (508) 533-3812
Celtic International Tours
Tel (518) 463-5511
Fax (518) 463-8461
Destination Ireland
Tel (212) 977-9629
Fax (212) 541-6207
The ETM Travel Group
Tel (203) 454-0090
Fax (203) 454-8840
Golf Getaways Travel
Tel (818) 991-7015
Fax (818) 991-9270
Golf International
Tel (212) 986-9176
Fax (212) 986-3720
Golfpac Inc
Tel (407) 260-2288
Fax (407) 260-8989
Grasshopper Golf Tours
Tel (708) 858-1660
Fax (708) 858-1681
Tel (404) 518-1250
Fax (404) 518-1272
Irish American International Tours
Tel (610) 543-0785
Fax (610) 789-5164
Irish Links Tours & Travel
Tel (203) 363-2088
Fax (203) 363-2188
ITC Golf Tours
Tel (310) 595-6905
Fax (310)424-6683
Jerry Quinlan's Celtic Golf
Tel (609) 884-8090
Fax (609) 884-8682
Journey's Thru Scotland Co.
Tel (714) 499-4410
Fax (714)499-4410
King/Ire Golf
Tel (617) 469-5113
Fax (617) 327-9594
Lismore Tours
Tel (212) 685-0100
Fax (212) 685-0614
Lynott Tours
Tel (212) 760-0101
Fax (212) 695-8347
Marsans International Travel
Tel (212) 239-3880
Fax (212) 239-4129
O'Connor Golf
Tel (702) 361-4847
Fax (702) 361-4970
Owenoak International
Tel (203) 655-2531
Fax (203) 656-1651
Perry Golf
Tel (404) 641-9696
Fax (404) 641-9798
PGA Travel
Tel (404) 454-5157
Fax (404) 454-5157
Round Ball Golf Tours
Tel (817) 459-GOLF
Fax (817) 861-9407
SGH Golf
Tel (513) 984-0414
Fax (513) 984-9648
Shamrock Travel Golf Tours
Tel (813) 376-7815
Fax (813) 376-7815
Wide World of Golf
Tel (408) 624-6667
Fax (408) 625-9671
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