


Land | Life | Lies | Music

"The only things that come out of Sweden are Saabs, vodka, and pickled herring."

Actually, the most profitable industry is music. You read that correctly: Sweden is the world's third largest exporter of music, after the United States and Great Britain. Much of the industry's profitability comes from the fact that records are a lot cheaper to produce in Sweden, as well as a healthy string of Swedish bands that are enjoying global success. These days, the names are Roxette, Ace of Base, Rednex, The Cardigans, and who could forget the'70s dream group, Abba?

Click here for more information about music and Musical Events in Sweden.

"All Swedish women are blonde."

If there is an image that epitomizes the blonde, devastating Swedish beauty, it is the scene from Fellini's "La Dolce Vita," when Anita Ekberg frolicks in Rome's Trevi Fountain. Ekberg's sensuous waterplay in the film has probably done more to perpetuate the myth that Sweden is populated exclusively by blonde bombshells than any single nation. In reality, however, true blondes make up about one half of Sweden's 9 million population.
"Isn't Sweden too expensive for most visitors?"

In fact, changes in the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Swedish krona have made a visit to Sweden more affordable than ever. The dollar's strength--it now brings 7.9 krona--means that you will find great value for your dollar.

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