A Bewitching Place
Over the crystal of ice that in winter covers this lake, on nights
of the full moon one hears the cries of sorrow that break through the deep
quiet. It is perhaps an enchantment that produces these sad sounds.
Legend has it that the cries are the soul of the Inca Illi Yunqui that
wanders restlessly over the watery tomb of his beloved Princess Kora-Lle.
The Princess fell to a tragic death during the celebration of a nascu,
or Royal Hunt. The Inca, whose sadness disturbs the peace of these mountains,
believed with the soul of a poet that no human tomb could be comparable
to these deep waters. The Imperial Court looked sadly on the tiny body
wrapped in white linen as it was lowered to the blue depths of the lake.
From that moment on, the water turned emerald, dyed by the color of the
Princess' lovely eyes that the son of the Sun, Illi Yunqui, could no longer
Thus came to be this spirit of love and mystery that wanders here, covered
by the silent mantle of snow.
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